Samstag, 24. September 2011

Poor however Sexy – Part 1 - Sexy

“Berlin is poor, however sexy!” No one knows that better than the mayor of Berlin Klaus Wowereit who created this slogan couple of years ago and likes to quote it again and again.

Never has it been so true like nowadays. Berlin has the biggest debts and at the same time it is the most attractive city in Germany with 9 million tourists. Berlin is after London and Paris one of the most visited cities.

And when you are young then Berlin is the best place to be. Even from the traditional trendy places on earth they move to Berlin. It is said that the parties last till Sunday afternoon; the girls are the prettiest and the guys brave ones. And everyone wants to be at least once in Berghain – the best club on earth – the Mount Everest of all clubs.

It can happen that at six o`clock in the morning you still have to pay there the full price to get in because the trendy DJ starts working from 6 am – 8 am. But that is not the only reason why Berghain has a great reputation beyond New York city. If the trendy person thinks that something is really cool than they say `it is so berghain`. How sexy is that!

And thus it does not come as a surprise that there are mainly young people that stay in Berlin – 20 million overnight stays per year and every weekend 10.000 come for a weekend trip with the cheap airline companies in order to party. Thus some Berlin natives are already complaining about the invasion of the easyjet generation. However, let`s face it Berlin cannot do without the 9 millions of Euro that tourism brings. Nevertheless the native Berlins complain (especially in Kreuzberg). If there were no tourism anymore then Berlin would have 250.000 jobs less. This would make the city not only poorer but also less sexy.

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