Sonntag, 14. August 2011

The Quest for the perfect Coffee Bar – Part 5 – Summer Fairy Tale

Since months we visit daily the Sloerm and of course there are many little stories about Stefan and Michele (below with baby Soey) .

Take for example the flower scene. Stefan (the barista) cleans the bar from some petals, cuts a caper, throws the petals in the air and announces that he is the flower girl and wants to be called Stefanie from now on.

Or the sticker at the coffee machine which tells the barista to `Smile` and further down where the barista takes the coffee powder it is written `I said smile`. Or the postcard where Stefan and Michele tell everyone in Berlin what you can get from them for 1,10 Euro.

The other story is the rapper from Vancouver. The picture of him can be seen in the Sloerm and if he ever comes to the store than the Sloerm will rock. By the way his name is Moka Only and his music can be found on the Sloerm website (

The best story I received as my birthday present. As always I went to the Sloerm at 8 am, I saw Stefan from far away being busy carrying out the chairs, tables, boxes. The moment he saw me coming he stopped what he was doing and sang Happy Birthday. When I entered the Sloerm Michele as well wished me a Happy Birthday. I knew that I had not told them my birthday date. So it must have been Michaela.

At the dinner table I told the story our guests however Michaela denied. Well the only other option was my dear colleague Anne. I bring her a latte every time she picks me up by car. She denied as well, so I was sure it must have been Michaela. She was so certain that it wasn´t her, that I was concerned about my state of mind. Well I turned 40 you never know… However when I received the gifts from my friends the case was clear. Anne was in the Sloerm and had bought a gift certificate there – so at the end it was her. Stefan painted the gift certificate on a paper cup. That unique piece of art did not survive however it gave me a lot of pleasure.

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