Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011

An African Board Game

The most popular board game in South Africa can be found in their national parks. Millions of South Africans and tourist all over the world take part. It is not about winning, it is only about honor and an exciting entertainment. If you have been to Kruger national park, you know the game – most visitors fall for it from the very first day onwards and are addicted to it – so are we. That is how it works: At all gates, camps and picnic areas there is the `playing schedule` , a map of the area of the park you are in. The key on the map explains which color belongs to the 7 most popular animals. There are magnets in those colors which can be placed on the map where those animals have been seen - on that day or the day before.

Thus those boards are THE place to go. You find out more where animals can be seen in the park. Of course most of the animals – leopards, cheetahs and wild dogs – will have disappeared before you get there. However, there are animals which are so lazy and slow that they will be at the same place for hours – like lions (most of the day they sleep and will not move) or elephants, rhinos and buffaloes (they spend most of the day eating and move very slowly).
There is no official winner for that game, but of course all of the people who can place a magnet on the board for seeing an animal no one else have seen before. And of course there is kind of a ranking of the animals and thus a different degree of honor. Elephants and buffaloes are in numbers and size so big that is hard not to see them.

Thus the degree of honor is lower. The less seen rhinos have a higher degree of honor and cats rank highest. Within the cats category the extremely shy leopard and the seldom seen cheetah rank higher than the more often seen lion.

Thus black (leopards) and white (cheetahs) have the highest ranking on the board. Have you seen one of those animals than you are the big winner. Proudly you place the magnet on the board (as long as other visitors have not placed one already). Often you see people waiting till other visitors show up in front of the board before they set their magnets. And of course they comment in details their success. On our trip to Kruger for the first 3 days we saw no cats at all. On day four however we were successful: On one day we have seen twice a leopard. Of course we had in mind how we place the magnets on the board, stand there for a while and other visitors listening to our leopard stories.

Arriving at the Skukuza Camp we found out that their map did not cover that part of Kruger we have seen the leopards. So we could not triumph as much as we wished. We were betrayed regarding our `points` in the game… The next day we saw a pride of lions (at least three) and shortly after our first leopard cups (including mum) and of course elephants, and buffaloes. And lucky us when we arrived at Phabeni Gate the board for the day was still empty. So we had the joy of setting our magnets – even if it wasn´t a busy day and no one was looking we enjoyed it and were compensated for our lost points of the day before. Of course we took pictures so no one can take those points from us again.

And back in Skukuza Camp we placed the same magnets on that board as well. Thus we could enjoy our triumph twice.

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