Sonntag, 11. März 2012

Poor however Sexy – Part 2.2 - Final Part

Some months ago, you learnt in this blog that Berlin is poor but sexy. You might have thought that even in Berlin there are areas which are poorer, and others which are sexier. You might have wondered which ones are richer, which ones are poorer which means more dangerous. Where do you need to go when you visit Berlin and where shouldn`t you go? The answer is not quite easy. There are streets which are poor and sexy.

Take for example Gleimstreet, which is sexy on one end (where we - of course - lived in our first few months). You see this part when you come from the Schoenhauser Allee, where you can see a fancy, colorful part of the city with numerous restaurants, bars, and trendy stores.

Größere Kartenansicht

But only some hundred meters further there is the Gleimtunnel.

If you passed this one then you are in a different world even so you are still in the Gleimstreet. No more restaurants, bars and trendy stores. Only some old to live in.

Then you are in Wedding area, before you were at the Prenzlauer Berg area. Of course you can´t just say that one area is sexy another one is poor. However there are areas like the Prenzlberg which are more likely to be sexy, and others like Wedding which are more likely to be poor. For those of you who are not familiarized with Berlin this does not help. Hardly there are any signs telling you which area you are in. Therefore you need other guidance. Two key distinctions are organic stores and gambling bars.

If there are organic stores than you are in the sexy part...

if you see a lot of gambling bars you very likely are in the poor part... better get on the next underground which brings you back into the organic store district. You might think now that organic stores are a little bit posh and thus it is not the real, young and attractive Berlin with all its freedom. Well depends.

Distribution (example) of organic stores:

Distribution of gampling bars:

Even we think that the most attractive parts are those were organic stores meet the gambling one and the mix is very attractive. This is not enough adventure for you? Well go and take a walk in Wedding. There are streets where even the police do not go in after midnight. This is definitely an adventure – probably less sexy so.

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